02 October 2011


Fig 1: Starting Point

The exercise on sequence of composition proved a bit challenging in the sense that i wanted to get a scenery or event that would best portray sequences. I ended up in the recreational park in benin city. Its a sunday morning and few people were at the park as compared to the previous day when Nigeria celebrated its 51st independence anniversary and the place was crowded with people, Though i took pictures on that day, i did not think they would best describe a sequence. One thing I have learnt about Photography is that you need to be prepared for any event you want to cover. If you go for an event with a telephoto lens instead of a wide -angle lens that would best serve the purpose, then you mess up the whole project. Thats what happened to me. I went for the celebration with my 70-300mm telephoto lense instead of using my taking along my 18-105mm wide angle lens. Then i discovered at that point that I could not get shots with subjects very close by and cover the area very well.
All said Fig 1 was the day after with my wide angle lens. This was my approach towards the refreshment area with my son in tow.
Fig 2: Moving towards the white chairs under the tree

Fig 3: More to the right

Fig 4:Walking towards the chairs

Fig 5: And closer

Fig 6: My son heading towards the sitting area
 In Fig 6, my son heads towards the sitting area oblivious that the path is muddy. He steps in and stains his white trousers, itching to have a drink. I used a  faster shutter speed of 1/3000s which explains why the shadow is prominent. I need to do a better job of my apertures and shutter speed settings

Fig 7: He turned back due to the mud.

Fig 8

Fig 9: The Attendant is tidying up with his back to us.

Fig 10: Oblivious of our presence as we approach

Fig 11: This is an outdoors bar.

Fig 12: At this point he sees us as I take his photograph

Fig 13: We ordered drinks and he opens the refrigerator to give us our orders.

Fig 14: The fayrouz banner is clearly visible now. The assistant to the attendant is also busy cleaning up

Fig 15: Cleaning up

Fig 16: And more cleaning


Fig 17: We settle down on chairs provided and i take a close up shot of the fayrouz advert.

Fig 18: My son settles down to seep his drink.
In Fig 18, he is finally having a drink after wading through mud to get to the sitting area.
Fig 19: Drinking water before we make to leave.

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